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Volunteer Legal Services Program

Volunteer Legal Services Program

Volunteer Legal Services Program


Making the law work for everyone

Legal information, advice and representation for veterans, active military and their families.

The Tacoma-Pierce County Bar Association's Volunteer legal Services Program provides free civil legal assistance to any eligible person who has a legal issue in Pierce County.

Civil legal issues can include family law (divorce, child support, custody, etc.),   Landlord – tenant and other housing issues, foreclosure, that and bankruptcy, wills, record expungement, and many other types of noncriminal legal problems. See our website for a list of our clinical programs in a great deal of easy-to-read how-to information on family and landlord-tenant law

If you're facing a difficult legal issue, we can help and our program will go the extra mile to help veterans, active military personnel and their families. Don’t just live with a bad situation – – let us help you!
