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The Military Order of the Purple Heart

The Military Order of the Purple Heart

The Military Order of the Purple Heart

Chapter Name: Llewellyn M. Chilson
Location: Tacoma, WA, 98499
Contact Info: Donald R. Wallace Jr.,

The Military Order of the Purple Heart Service Program exists to assist Veterans, ALL veterans, in work- ing with the VA and filing claims for the many benefits that are available. You do NOT need to be a Member of the Purple Heart Organization to seek assistance.
The program provides veterans’ benefits experts at various veterans administration regional offices, hospitals, vet centers, and state and county veterans facilities.



What we do:
•Provide available assistance to ALL Veterans, their dependents, widows and orphans.
•Process veterans’ claims for compensation, pension, medical care, education, job training, employment, veterans preference, housing, death, and burial benefits.
•Serve on President’s Committee for employment of people with disabilities.
•Assist in identifying and helping homeless veterans.

National Appeals Office located in Washington D.C.:
•Provides quality and professional representation for veterans whose benefits have been denied at the local VA regional office.

Court of Veterans Appeal:
•Is one of five national veterans organizations presenting veterans’ claims before the court.
•Is one of only four organizations to employ a full time attorney at law to represent veterans.
•Court decisions can affect rating decision in thousands of veterans claims. Successful representations protect all veterans.

National Outreach Program:
•Provides services to veterans in rural and urban areas.
•Reaches handicapped and destitute veterans unable to go to a VA regional office. •Educates veterans on their benefits and entitlements.
