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The House of Matthew Transitional Services

The House of Matthew Transitional Services

The House of Matthew Transitional Services

To contact us by mail:
The House of Matthew Transitional Services
P.O BOX 45294
TACOMA, WA 98448

The House of Matthew Transitional Services is a local nonprofit organization based out of Tacoma Washington that assists homeless single men, individuals and families from a variety of backgrounds focusing on preventing homelessness by way of our mission ”Helping the homeless overcome homelessness by providing training, housing, independence and support”; providing a curriculum homeless prevention and life-skills program.

Assisting Single Men In Transition: Homeless Veterans and people faced with unexpected emergen- cies, such as loss of housing, loss of public assistance, people that may have substance abuse issues, people with mental health issues, particularly those ineligible for government sponsored services, people who just released from institutions especially jail and correctional facilities, people effected by natural disasters, people with limited education, people living in overcrowded or inadequate housing, and those experiencing problems with landlords and other tenants. All Veterans (despite discharge sta- tus), chronically homeless (homeless 1-3 years+), Receiving benefits, waiting to receive benefits, men in work release programs, minor disabilities, unemployed.

…. are able to receive temporary housing, training, independent and supportive services in a shared room, single room occupancy and permanent housing. Disqualifying Categories: Sexual based offenses and criminal negligence resulting in Arson conviction.

*Temporary Housing
*Emergency Housing
*Life skills
*Veteran services
*Legal Assistance and Services(including overturning discharge status) *Assistance with benefits
*Employment readiness training, referral, and placement
*Community Resources
*Assistance with reintegrating into society, civilian life and permanent housing *Skill building
*Clothing Bank
*Food assistance

Qualifications for Housing:
*Must be 18 years or older
*Single occupant
*Demonstrate a need for a housing program
And willingness to be as self-sufficient as possible.
*Must be clean and sober (prior drug or alcohol use is not a requirement to qualify).
*Ready to for a second chance to change your life- means new life changes no matter how old
you are.
*Must be income, benefits, and/or employment eligible to strive toward stability. *Must be able to live in a shared environment.
*Must be able to live independently.
*Understand that this is a structured environment with requirements that will apply. *No sex offense history (will work with negative background history).
*Must make a 6 month commitment to the program.

Women and Family In Need of Services:
*Life skills
*Veteran services
*Assistance with benefits(TANF)
*Employment readiness training, referral, and placement *Community Resources
*Assistance with reintegrating into society and permanent housing *Skill building
*Clothing Bank
*Food assistance

How to Apply and Refer: Application process varies based upon need of services. Contact us by phone 253-301-0508, Email: or, or chat via our website at:
