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Northwest Justice Project

Northwest Justice Project
Northwest Justice Project

401 Second Avenue S, Suite 407,

Seattle, WA 98104

206.464.1519 | Toll-Free 888.201.1012

The Northwest Justice Project ("NJP") is Washington State's largest provider of civil legal services to low-income Washington residents and a proud member of Washington's Alliance for Equal Justice.  

NJP has 17 offices in Washington and serves between 16,000 and 20,000 low-income clients annually.  This group of clients has historically included veterans, but NJP did not originally employ staff dedicated exclusively to reaching and serving low-income veterans.  In an effort led by Steve Fredrickson, an NJP Advocacy Coordinator, NJP recognized this gap in services and began planning to serve veterans with legally and culturally specialized advocacy.

In 2010 NJP joined forces with the Equal Justice Works AmeriCorps legal fellowship program to start NJP's Veterans Project with one attorney providing state-wide assistance for veterans and consultation for advocates.  Generous support from the Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs, the Osborne Family Foundation, the King County Veterans Levy, and the Washington State Bar Association's Legal Assistance for Military Personnel ("LAMP") section were essential to the Veterans Project's successful start.

In 2013, NJP built upon the Veterans Project's success to grow from one to six attorneys providing specialized legal aid to low-income veterans.  As of May 2015, NJP's Veterans Project has five attorneys serving low-income veterans.  Generous support from the Osborne Family Foundation, WSBA LAMP, and King County remains essential to maintaining the Veterans Project.
