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Northrop Grumman

Northrop Grumman

Operation IMPACT

Discover more about Operation IMPACT:

Operation IMPACT Program Overview:
Operation IMPACT is a unique recruitment program that helps service members severely injured in combat operations in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and/or Operation Enduring Freedom transi- tion from their military careers. If an injured service member is unable to work, Northrop Grumman extends our support to the family member who will work in their stead. Program support is also avail- able to widows and widowers of fallen service members.

This award-winning grassroots program is run independently of the company’s standard recruitment process. Operation IMPACT is our way of helping men and women in uniform when they need it most—just like they did for us.

Learn about the candidates we help.
To be eligible for the personalized career transition services offered through Operation IMPACT, the candidate must suffer from injuries or illnesses incurred while deployed in overseas contingency opera- tions supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom and/or Operation Enduring Freedom since September 11, 2001.

The candidate must also receive either a combined rating of 50% or higher for any other combat or combat-related condition or a physical disability rating of 30% or higher from the Department of De- fense or Veterans Administration in at least one specific category that substantially affects one or more major life function:
• Blindness/loss of vision • Deafness/hearing loss
• Fatal/incurable disease • Loss of limb
• Permanent disfigurement
• Post-traumatic stress
• Severe burns
• Spinal cord injury/paralysis • Traumatic brain injury
• Any other condition requiring extensive hospitalizations or multiple surgeries

While we hope the family member finds a career fit with us, we’ve also built a Network of Champions: over 100 other companies who are also committed to assisting severely wounded service members and their families in finding career opportunities.

Testimonials from Northrop Grumman employees who were hired through Operation IMPACT:

“Northrop Grumman found a job for me. I was very impressed with how well the company treats its employees and how they reach out to military veterans. I was also happy to continue using my logistics training.”
Name: Lindsay
Branch: Marine Corps
Position: Logistics Planner
Joined Northrop Grumman: July 2010

“Through Operation IMPACT, you can still use all of your knowledge and experience. You can still serve your country.”
Name: Dave
Branch: US Army
Position: Trainer
Joined Northrop Grumman: March 2010

“Currently, I work as a Software Engineer within the Advanced Technology Development Center (ATDC). Because of the Operation IMPACT program I am able to support my family and continue to serve my country by contributing to the protection of my brothers and sisters who are still in the fight. Working for Northrop Grumman has been a fascinating experience. Thanks, Northrop Grumman, for your support of the Armed Forces and many thanks to Operation IMPACT for my new rewarding ca- reer.”
Name: Travis
Branch: Marine Corps
Position: Software Engineer
Joined Northrop Grumman: June 2009
