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Ladies Operation Moving Forward

Ladies Operation Moving Forward

Ladies Operation Moving Forward

Ladies Operation Moving Forward
P.O. Box 5696, Tacoma, WA 98405
1212 South 11th Street,
Suite 37 Tacoma, WA 98405
(253) 376-3393 or (253) 330-6489

“For Veterans by Veterans”




To help eliminate homelessness and facilitate self-sufficiency by providing hope to those veterans who have been abandoned, abused and misunderstood.

The Veterans Technology Center LLC and VET Tech Café LLC is a community service, social action, educational facility where computers and related technologies are available to increase access by providing skill-building opportunities, entrepreneur & creative experiences for veterans and their families as they transition to lives outside of the military.

Safe Homes, a 501 c 3, non-profit since 1995 – Ladies Operation Moving Forward (LOMF) Women Veteran Program seeks to stimulate the development of effective service delivery systems that addresses a myriad of complex problems facing this “niche” veteran population in realizing self-sufficiency and sustainability. The greater good is to close gaps of needed and necessary services.

Resources & Services
• Homeless/Near Homeless Housing for Female Veterans with children – Shared SpacesTM • Business Opportunity Model (BOM) for self-employment through e-commerce-“Your Travel Business”
• Supportive Services for Veterans and their Families, including Case Management
• Annual Veterans Day Program– “Thank You For Your Service”
• PTSD-MST Evaluations and Treatment
• Faith-Based Organization (FBO’s) – “Veterans Demonstration Project” -Stand-Down & Benefits Fair
• Educational Services
• Women Veterans Intensive Incubator – 5 Week Perpetual Workshops
• “Green Rush” – Green jobs training and job creation
• Microsoft Digital Literacy Training – On line, Own pace and completion certificate
