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Kitsap County Veterans Memorial

Kitsap County Veterans Memorial

Kitsap County Veterans Memorial

United States Military Monuments, Memorials and Facilities
Honoring those who served

A comprehensive list of military and veteran Memorial locations and principal documents are available at:

The Kitsap Peninsula is home to dozens of military cemeteries, memorials, dedications, and historic sites that provide representation for those that served our country in any of the six branches of the military. Some of the sites they back to the Civil War era; other memorials throughout the Kitsap peninsula represent phone soldiers in World War I and II, the Korean and Vietnam Wars.

“We need to honor our veterans by preserving the past and thanking those that are still serving, as we remember and honor our patriots.”

-Marion “Mick” Hersey, Historical Memorial Preservationist


Kitsap County Veterans Advisory Board

Historical memorial preservationist Marion “Mick” Hersey

US Tombstone Project
