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PO Box 704 


WA 98291 


Our brave families and service members make daily sacrifices for all of us. Heartbeat believes it’s critical to step up and serve those who give endlessly for our freedom and way of life.

When brave warriors return home with physical and psychological injuries, everything changes. Health issues present unexpected challenges. This affects both the service member and the family. Injuries such as traumatic brain injury (TBI), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and paralysis are life changing.

Oftentimes, people forget about our brave, wounded warriors when they come home.

Oftentimes that is when they need us the most.

Our goal at Heartbeat Serving Wounded Warriors® is to help our brave service members gain control over their health challenges and lead productive lives.

The military teaches our brave men and women to take care of themselves and others—they’re givers, not takers. They don’t ask for help. When their community voluntarily helps them, it creates a powerful impact on wounded service members’ psychological and physical well-being.

Heartbeat’s programs and services for wounded warriors and their families are continually growing. We offer support for many types of needs: emergency, physical, psychological, and daily living. Current services and programs include:

  • Emergency financial assistance for wounded Special Ops Warriors/families in WA state
  • Back in the Saddle Warriors®—equine assisted therapy program
  • Scuba Warriors®—therapeutic scuba activity
  • Morale-Building programs and events
