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Gold Star Wives of America

Gold Star Wives of America

Gold Star Wives of America, Tahoma chapter

Beverly Buster, President

Join us the third Saturday of every month September through May at 10 AM for our monthly meetings located at:

AMVETS Post #1,
5715 South Tyler St.
Tacoma, WA 98409

Who we are:

  • The widows/widowers whose spouses died while serving in the Armed Forces of United States or as a result of service–connected disabilities.
  • The windows/widowers of service personnel of all armed conflicts involving the United States.
  • The widows/widowers of service personnel of all ranks, races, and creeds.

Why we are:

Each legislative session of Congress brings up new legislation directly pertaining to military survivors. Members of Gold Star Wives appear before various House and Senate committees on issues concerning compensation, educational benefits, medical care and other programs pertaining to the welfare of military survivors. We believe surviving spouses and dependent children need an organization dedicated solely to their needs, concerns, and welfare. We believe that United we are stronger, and that together we stand and divided we fall and are forgotten.

Our vision:

We pledge to continue working diligently and unselfishly in the interest of all of us who have been called upon in a very personal way to share in the “last full measure of devotion” to our country and mankind.

We will work to advance and carry out the purposes for which we originally banded together and to seek nationwide recognition of our organization, which provides a unique service for the service widow/widower not available from any other organization.
