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GallantFew Inc.

GallantFew Inc.

GallantFew Inc.

Veteran Network
“I shall never fail my comrades”

Contact us:
Phone: 817-567-3293
FAX: 801-286-0218
Veteran Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255 press 1

A 501 (C)3 non-profit organization
EIN: 27-1779772

Our Special Operations Forces (SOF) veterans are the cream of the crop, specially selected and highly trained. They are giving the best resources and leadership the military has the offer – they are go-getters, problem solvers and make it happen kind of people. They rarely, if ever, operate alone. They always have a buddy. Until the transition. Then those traits that set them about the rest can work against them and create obstacles in employment, and relationships, and school. These obstacles can leave the isolation and that isolation can lead to despair and worse. But that doesn’t have to happen.

Since 2010, GallantFew has been building a global network of United States military veteran mentors. We began with 1,000 US Army Rangers and created The Derby Project.

The Derby Project matches Rangers transitioning with Ranger veterans previously transitioned and now established in the civilian occupations. The result is a local, mentoring relationship based on mutual respect and achievement. This opens the doors for help at school, internships, and jobs.

The Raider Project is our newest effort and has a distinct focus on USMC combat veterans. Our goal is to one day provide every transitioning veteran from every branch of the service with a veteran mentor, just like him or her, and the same hometown. Visit our website to see how you can help.

Donations are tax-deductible and directly support on mission of helping our newest veterans transition peacefully and successfully.
