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FISH Food Banks Of Pierce County

FISH Food Banks Of Pierce County

FISH Food Banks Of Pierce County

1702 S. 72nd St. Suite E
Tacoma, WA 98408

FISH Food Banks are about People. Volunteers, clients, donors, supporters, neighbors, seniors, children, the working poor, loving families.

FISH Food Banks are about Community. The neighborhoods we serve, creating connections within each food bank, a supportive network, the village of volunteers it takes to accomplish monthly food distribution to up to 50,000 people.

FISH Food Banks are about Stories. Transforming lives, supporting each other, clients giving back to the organization that supports them in hard times, the joy on a child’s face when she receives a cake and stuffed animal to make her birthday special, hardships and tears, joy and accomplishments.

This is what we want to share. This is what you help create.

In 2013, FISH Food Banks served 562,188 individuals. Since the economic downturn in 2008, the need for food through FISH Food Banks has increased a staggering 137%.

FISH Food Banks is the oldest and largest food bank network in Pierce County, with locations in Edgewood, Graham/South Hill, Lakewood, Northeast Tacoma, Northwest Tacoma, Southeast Tacoma and West Tacoma. FISH’s innovative Mobile Food Bank, a semi-truck and trailer turned food bank on wheels, visits a different location daily, including Key Peninsula and schools in the Bethel, Clover Park and Tacoma School Districts. We serve approximately 1/3 of all Pierce County residents who need food assistance.

Did you know? For every $1 donated, FISH can distribute $7 worth of food! More than 97% of funds raised go directly to putting food on the tables of people in need. 

Thank you for supporting a healthy community and truly caring about your neighbors in need. We are grateful for you, and for your compassionate action.
