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Divide Camp

Divide Camp

Divide Camp, Inc. is dedicated to serving our Nation’s combat wounded by providing adventures. Participating in outdoor activities aids in the healing of both hearts and minds. We give them an opportunity to hunt, fish, ride ATV’s, and horse pack into the Eagle Cap Wilderness Area. We will also provide opportunities to participate in equine therapy. Our mission is simple – to give back to those who have given so much for America… for us.


Participating in hunting, fishing and other outdoor activities provides a tremendous benefit to overall healing following traumatic combat tours. Divide Camp, Inc. is dedicated to ensuring our troops an opportunity they might not otherwise be able to afford. Divide Camp will provide comfortable and safe lodging, excellent meals, and transportation. We offer an experience in a beautiful forested remote and peaceful environment at no charge to our veterans. We seek to host wounded warriors as they go through the process of learning how to participate in activities they enjoyed before going to war – but now with new prosthetics limbs, with emotional scars and for many – disabling internal turmoil.


In much of rural America young men and women grow up working on ranches or farms, in the woods logging, in construction, at lumber mills, operating heavy equipment or working in other outdoor occupations. For these families, and in this lifestyle, hunting and fishing is most often far more than recreational or sporting. They are a vital part of the culture for many generations. Children learn to provide food for their table at a very early age… and it is these activities that will help our wounded warriors find their new “normal”.


Even though hunting and fishing are no longer as critical to subsistence as they once were – they are still very much a significant element in what constitutes a “normal life” for many men and women in rural communities of the United States. Divide Camp will honor the service of our warriors and build hope for their futures.
