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Brain Energy Support Team (BEST)

Brain Energy Support Team (BEST)

Brain Energy Support Team (BEST)
877-719-BEST (877-719-2378)

OUR HISTORY – A brain injury often changes both the survivor and their family’s life forever. Symptoms can include emotional, behavioral, physical, cognitive and social dysfunction. Even those receiving medical care and therapy post accident are often left confused about how to create strategies to do more than just survive.

In 2008 a group of survivors, family, caregivers, and medical professionals came together because we recognized there are fundamental services missing from the current protocol of treating those with brain injury. We wanted to take control of our treatments, our recovery, and our lives. It is our belief that we know best.

Through the commitment of those few people in 2008 we have grown into a nationally recognized organization for our trainings, support group infrastructure development, peer mentoring, and public awareness.

OUR MISSION – BEST provides support, advocacy, public awareness, education, and socialization opportunities to individuals with a brain injury and their families. BEST distinguishes itself from other brain injury organizations in that the leadership, services, and programs are built by and for individuals with brain injury and their families.
