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American Veterans (AMVETS)

American Veterans (AMVETS)

American Veterans (AMVETS)

5717 S. Tyler ST
Tacoma, WA 98409

For over 60 years, AMVETS has served our veterans and their families in Washington State. Our history of giving back to our local communities is long and proud. With 20 posts and 3,000 members in the state, we gladly join with our 1,400 posts and 200,000 members nationally to fulfill all the purposes of incorporation granted to us by Congress and set out in our national charter.

As one of America's foremost veterans service organizations, AMVETS has a proud history of assisting veterans in sponsoring numerous programs that serve our country and its citizens. The helping hand that AMVETS extends to veterans and their families takes many forms.

AMVETS national service officers, accredited by the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA), provide free claims assistance to veterans, their dependents and survivors. Ambience members also donate countless hours to brighten the lives of hospitalized veterans and promote quality of life program such as Special Olympics or scouting.

And one reason you're alone, ambience national service officers process more than 24,000 claims that resulted in veterans receiving some $400 million in compensation. This commitment to service traces its roots back to 1948, when our NSO’s first began helping veterans of World War II to obtain benefits promised them by the federal government.
