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Air Force Association

Air Force Association

Air Force Association

Chapter 334


The Air Force Association (AFA) as a nonprofit, independent, and professional military and aerospace education association promoting public understanding of aerospace power and the pivotal role it plays in the security of our nation.

We promote a dominant United States Air Force and a strong national defense and our Air Force Heritage. To accomplish this we:

EDUCATE the public on the critical need for unmatched Aerospace power in the technically superior workforce to ensure U.S. national security

ADVOCATE for aerospace power in STEM education

SUPPORTthe total Air Force family and promote aerospace education


  • Out reach programs
  • National and local events
  • Conduct national symposia
  • Professional development seminars
  • National aerospace award programs
  • Publications including Air Force magazine and
  • Educated grants for promoting science/math at an elementary and secondary school level
  • Scholarships/grants for Air Force active-duty, air national guard, and Air Force reserve members and their dependents
