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Showing 486 results
Company Phone
Active Duty Personnel Support Activity Detachment (360) 396-5660
Admiral Boorda Center (youth programs) (360) 535-5915
Admiral Boorda Center (youth programs) (360) 535-5915
Admissions Office (360) 475-4457
Ambulatory Care Nursing (360) 475-4402
Ambulatory Procedure Clinic (360) 475-4538
Ambulatory Procedure Clinic (360) 475-4177
American Red Cross (360) 377-3761
American Red Cross (360) 475-4341
Anesthesiology (360) 475-4639
Automotive Services Autoport (360) 697-8711
Bachelor Housing Adjutant (360) 396-1702
Bachelor Housing Admin (360) 396-1711
Bachelor Housing Bangor Evergreen Inn (360) 396-4046
Bachelor Housing BangorCBH (360) 535-7000
Bachelor Housing Bremerton (360) 476-2156
Bachelor Housing Bremerton CHB (360) 476-2383
Bachelor Housing Bremerton Underwood Hall (360) 476-2360
Bachelor Housing Command Services (360) 627-3400
Bachelor Housing Commanding Officer (360) 396-1704
Bachelor Housing Duty Non-Commissioned Officer (360) 396-1661
Bachelor Housing Gateway Inns and Suites Bremerton (360) 475-3035
Bachelor Housing Navy Gateway Inns and Suites Bangor (360) 396-4035
Bachelor Housing Navy Lodge (360) 779-9100
Bachelor Housing RLSONW Bangor (360) 396-6003
Bachelor Housing Senior Enlisted Advisor (360) 396-5188
Bachelor Housing Sergeant Major (360) 396-1703
Bachelor HousingRLSONW Bremerton (360) 627-3000
Bangor (360) 315-4441
Bangor (360) 396-6704
Bangor Branch Clinic (360) 315-4391
Bangor Fitness Center (360) 315-2134
Bangor Fitness Center (360) 315-2134
Bangor: Personnel Support Detachment (PSD) (360) 396-5660
Barber Shop (NEX) - Bango (360) 315-4583
Barber Shop (NEX) - Bangor (360) 697-8738
Base Operator Bangor/Keyport (360) 396-6111
Beauty Shop (NEX) - Bangor (360) 697-8738
Beauty Shop (NEX) - Bangor (360) 315-4583
BEQ (360) 475-4334
BloodBank (360) 475-4266
Bowling Bangor Olympic Lanes (360) 535-5917
Bowling Bremerton (360) 476-2790
Bowling Bremerton Recreation Center ITT (360) 476-3179
Branch Dental Clinic - Bangor (360) 315-4287
Branch Dental Clinic - Bangor (360) 315-4287
Branch Medical Clinic Bangor (360) 315-4391
Bremerton (360) 476-3711
Bremerton (360) 377-0602
Brig/CCU (360) 315-4404
Business Office (360) 475-4265
Camp McKean/Trident Lakes/ Elwood Point Park Reservations (360) 535-5919
Camp McKeanon Cinema Plus Theater (360) 535-5923
Camp McKeanon Kitsaap Lake Reservations (360) 535-5919
Camp McKeanon Theater Manager (360) 535-5923
Career Counselor (360) 475-4370
CBMU-303 (360) 627-4024
Central Billeting - Bremerton (360) 476-3035
Central Billeting - Bremerton (360) 476-3035
Chamber of Commerce Bainbridge Island (206) 842-3700
Chamber of Commerce Bangor Chaplains (360) 396-6005
Chamber of Commerce Bangor Office (360) 697-3656
Chamber of Commerce Bremerton (360) 479-3579
Chamber of Commerce Bremerton (360) 476-4282
Chamber of Commerce Bremerton Chaplains (360) 476-2183
Chamber of Commerce Central Kitsap School District (360) 692-3100
Chamber of Commerce Chapman University Bangor (360) 779-2040
Chamber of Commerce Chief of Staff (360) 315-5010
Chamber of Commerce Chief of Staff (360) 396-4211
Chamber of Commerce City University (888) 422-898
Chamber of Commerce Command Duty Officer (360) 396-6530
Chamber of Commerce Command Master Chief (360) 396-4254
Chamber of Commerce Commander (360) 315-5000
Chamber of Commerce Commander (360) 396-4211
Chamber of Commerce Commander Master Chief (360) 315-5002
Chamber of Commerce Commander Submarine Group Trident (360) 396-4211
Chamber of Commerce Commander Submarine Iquadron 19 (360) 396-7558
Chamber of Commerce Commander Submarine Squadron 17 (360) 315-2096
Chamber of Commerce Commanding Officer (360) 315-4955
Chamber of Commerce CREDO (360) 476-3793
Chamber of Commerce Executive Officer (360) 315-4956
Chamber of Commerce Flag Writer (360) 315-5000
Chamber of Commerce I-lag Writer (360) 396-4211
Chamber of Commerce Jackson Park Community Center (360) 476-7445
Chamber of Commerce Kingston: (360) 297-3813
Chamber of Commerce Kitsap Peninsula Visitors Convention Bureau (360) 297-8200
Chamber of Commerce Navy College Office Bangor (360) 315-2538
Chamber of Commerce North Kitsap School District (360) 779-8704
Chamber of Commerce NSSC (360) 396-4212
Chamber of Commerce Olympia College (360) 792-6050
Chamber of Commerce Olympia/Thurston County (360) 357-3362
Chamber of Commerce Operations Officer (360) 315-4959
Chamber of Commerce Port Gamble Tribal Center (360) 297-2646
Chamber of Commerce Poulsbo (360) 779-4848
Chamber of Commerce Protocal Officer (360) 396-5489
Chamber of Commerce Protocol Officer (360) 315-5014
Chamber of Commerce PSNS (360) 476-1596
Chamber of Commerce Public Aflfeirs Officer (360) 396-5482
Chamber of Commerce PublicAffairOfficer (360) 396-4988
Chamber of Commerce PublicAffairs Officer (360) 315-4010
Chamber of Commerce Quarterdeck (360) 396-6821
Chamber of Commerce Seattle Visitor Bureau (206) 389-7200
Chamber of Commerce Silverdale (360) 692-6800
Chamber of Commerce South Kitsap School District (360) 874-7068
Chamber of Commerce Southern Illinois University (360) 779-4691
Chamber of Commerce StaffDuty Officer (360) 315-5122
Chamber of Commerce TollFree (800) 259-6718
Chamber of Commerce Tours (360) 396-4400
Chamber of Commerce Visitor Information Center (360) 385-2722
Chamber of Commerce Watch Commander (360) 315-5123
Chaplain (360) 475-4314
Child Care Resource & Referral of Kitsap County (360) 373-1252
Child Care Resource & Referral of Kitsap County (360) 373-1252
Child Development Center (Jackson Park) - Bremerton (360) 476-8666
Child Development Center (Jackson Park) - Bremerton (360) 476-8666
Child Development Center (Jackson Park) - Bremerton (360) 476-8666
Child Development Center - Bangor (360) 535-5953
Child Development Centers Bangor (360) 396-5920
Child Development Centers Home Program (360) 476-4760
Child Development Centers Jackson Park (360) 476-8666
Child Development Homes - Bangor (360) 396-5920
Child Development Homes - Bangor (360) 396-5920
Collection Agent (360) 475-4391
Command Duty Officers Naval Base Kitsap (360) 396-7657
Command Duty Officers NSSC (360) 396-4655
Command Duty Officers Submarine Group 9 (360) 396-6530
Command Duty Officers USCG (360) 204-3268
Command Duty Officers USMC Security Force (360) 204-0406
Command Master Chief (360) 475-4305
Commander Navy Region Northwest (360) 315-5122
Commander Navy Region NW Safety (360) 396-6106
Commander Submarine Group 9 (360) 396-8621
Commander Submarine Group TRIDENT (360) 396-4211
Commander Submarine Squadron 19 (360) 396-6612
Commander, Naval Region Northwest (360) 315-5300
Commander, Submarine Group 9 (360) 627-4024
Commander, Submarine Squad. 17 (360) 396-4655
Commandern Submarine Squadron 17 (360) 315-2096
Commanding Officer (360) 475-4239
Commissary (DECA Pacific NW) -Bremerton (360) 405-1971
Commissary (DECA Pacific NW) -Bremerton (360) 405-1971
Commissary - Bangor (360) 396-6025
Commissary Bangor (360) 396-6025
COMNAVREG NW, Casualty Assistance /Funeral Honors (360) 315-3274
Concourse West (Gym) - Bremerton (360) 476-2231
Concourse West (Gym) - Bremerton (360) 476-2231
Construction Battalion Unit 303 (360) 346-6290
Contracting Officers Rep (360) 475-4648
Customer Relations Officer (360) 475-4336
DAPA Office (360) 475-4587
Decedent Affiairs (360) 475-4392
DEERS (360) 475-4747
Defense Distribution Depot Puget Sound (360) 476-7473
Dental Oral Surgery Clinic (360) 475-4237
Deployment Support- Deployment/Mobilization (360) 315-3053
Deployment Support- Deployment/Mobilization Kitsap (360) 315-3053
Deployment Support- Individual Augmenter (360) 315-3053
Dept. of Licensing (360) 478-6975
Dermatology Clinic (360) 475-4204
Director For Administration (360) 475-4210
Director For Ancillary Services (360) 475-4210
Director For Patient Support (360) 475-4274
Director For Primary Care (360) 475-4421
Director For Specialty Services (360) 475-4327
EFM Coordinator - Bangor (Medical Clinic) (360) 315-4369
Emergency Dial (911) -
EmergencyRoom (360) 475-4286
Employee Transportation Coordinator (360) 396-5054
Employment ADM Boorda Youth Center (360) 535-5993
Employment Armed Forces Bank (888) 929-
Employment Bangor (360) 697-1094
Employment Bremerton (360) 782-1972
Employment Child Development Center Bangor (360) 396-5920
Employment Community Resource Center (360) 535-5918
Employment Family Advocacy Keyport (360) 315-3045
Employment FFSP Appointment Line (866) 854-0638
Employment Home Program (360) 476-4760
Employment HR Service Center NW Job Line (360) 315-8000
Employment Jackson Park (360) 476-8666
Employment Kitsap Credit Union (360) 662-2000
Employment Military Onesource (800) 342-9647
Employment Security (360) 337-4759
Employment Toll Free (800) 422-5852
Employment TollFree (800) 340-0622
Employment Work Source Kitsap County (360) 337-4810
ENT (360) 475-4214
Environmental Program Manager (360) 475-4710
Equal Employment Opportunity (360) 475-4295
Everett Branch Clinic (425) 304-4060
Exceptional Family Member Program Liaison Fleet and Family Support Center (360) 396-4115
Executive Officer (360) 475-4239
Explosive Ordnance Disposal Mobile Unit 11 Det. Bangor (360) 396-6653
FaciMes Management (360) 475-4318
Family Advocacy Rep (360) 315-3045
Family Practice Patient Message Line (360) 475-4379
Fire Department Bangor (360) 396-4663
Fire Department Bremerton (360) 476-5941
Fire Department Keyport (360) 396-2560
Fitness Centers Bangor (360) 315-2134
Fitness Centers Bangor Pool (360) 476-9416
Fitness Centers Bremerton (360) 315-2231
Fitness Centers Naval Hospital (360) 475-4546
Fitness Centers Waterfront, Bangor (360) 396-5406
Fitness Specialists Adjutant (360) 396-1702
Fitness Specialists Admin (360) 396-1711
Fitness Specialists Bangor (360) 315-2140
Fitness Specialists Bremerton (360) 476-7026
Fitness Specialists Bremerton (360) 476-2156
Fitness Specialists Command Services (360) 627-3400
Fitness Specialists Commanding Officer (360) 396-1704
Fitness Specialists Deployed Support Office (360) 476-5936
Fitness Specialists Duty Non-Commissioned Officer (360) 396-1661
Fitness Specialists Event Catering (360) 535-5928
Fitness Specialists Fleet Recreation Program (360) 476-5936
Fitness Specialists Inside Out Cafe & Lounge (360) 535-5965
Fitness Specialists Navy Lodge (360) 779-9100
Fitness Specialists RLSONW Bangor (360) 396-6003
Fitness Specialists RLSONW Bremerton (360) 627-3000
Fitness Specialists Senior Enlisted Advisor (360) 396-5188
Fitness Specialists Sergeant Major (360) 396-1703
Fleet and Family Support Center (360) 396-4115
Fleet and Family Support Center (360) 396-4115
Fleet and Family Support Center (360) 396-4115
Fleet and Family Support Center (360) 396-4115
Fleet and Family Support Center (360) 396-4115
Fleet and Family Support Center (360) 396-4115
Fleet and Family Support Center (Gold) (360) 396-4115
Fleet and Family Support Center Bangor (360) 396-4115
Fleet and Family Support--Counseling (360) 315-3045
Fleet and Industrial Supply Center Puget Sound (360) 476-7525
Food Services (360) 475-4369
Forest City Communities Jackson Park (360) 478-0411
Forest City Communities PPVHousing (360) 598-5831
Fraud Waste & Abuse Hotline (360) 396-2256
General Surgery Clinic (360) 475-4221
Graduate Medical Education (360) 475-4339
Health Benefits Advisor (360) 475-4651
Health Education (360) 475-4541
Health Promotions (360) 475-4541
Healthcare Operations (360) 475-4762
Healthcare Support (360) 475-4365
Heart Station (360) 475-4660
Human Resources Office (360) 475-4347
Immunization Clinic (360) 475-4335
Industrial Hygiene (360) 476-9381
Infection Control (360) 475-4673
Information Desk (360) 475-4232
Inside Out Cafe and Lounge (360) 535-5695
Inside Out Cafe and Lounge - Bangor (360) 535-5695
Insurance Desk (360) 475-4400
Intensive Care (360) 475-4230
Intermediate Maintenance Facility (360) 315-1807
Internal Medicine Clinic (360) 475-4206
Kitsap Credit Union - Bremerton (360) 662-2000
Kitsap Credit Union - Bremerton (360) 662-2000
Kitsap Federal Credit Union - Bangor Sargo Circle (360) 662-2000
Kitsap Federal Credit Union - Bangor (360) 662-2000
Kitsap Transit (360) 373-2877
Labor and Delivery Northwest Beginnings (360) 475-4418
Laboratory Department (360) 475-4260
Legal Officer (360) 475-4644
Legal Services (360) 496-2156
Legal Services/JAG - Bangor Navy Legal Service Office (360) 396-6003
Limited Duty Coordinator (360) 475-4450
Locksmith (360) 396-6073
Marine Corp Security Force Battalion Bangor (360) 396-1314
Marine Corps Security Force Co. (360) 396-4661
Materials Management (360) 475-4530
Medevac Information (360) 475-4790
Medical library (360) 475-4316
Medical Photography (360) 475-4320
Medical Records Inpatient (360) 475-4452
Medical Records Outpatient (360) 475-4350
Mental Health Clinic (360) 475-4219
Multi Service MS5 (360) 475-4471
MWR (360) 396-5466
MWR Center GYM (360) 475-4546
MWR Kitsap Bangor (360) 396-5466
Naval Base Kitsap (360) 627-4024
Naval Base Kitsap - Bremerton (Operator) (360) 627-4024
Naval Base Kitsap - Bremerton Chaplain (360) 476-2183
Naval Base Kitsap - Quarterdeck (360) 627-4024
Naval Base Kitsap Bangor Bangor Plaza (SW Corner) (360) 396-4399
Naval Base Kitsap Bangor Housing Service Center (360) 396-4399
Naval Base Kitsap Bremerton Infant & Toddler Center (360) 627-2974
Naval Base Kitsap Bremerton Infant & Toddler Center (360) 627-2974
Naval Base Kitsap Emergency Information After Hours Emergency (360) 509-8086
Naval Base Kitsap Emergency Information Bangor (360) 315-4391
Naval Base Kitsap Emergency Information Bangor Denial Clinic (360) 314-4287
Naval Base Kitsap Emergency Information Bremerton (360) 476-6872
Naval Base Kitsap Emergency Information BremertonDental Annex (360) 476-1211
Naval Base Kitsap Emergency Information Keyport (360) 396-2553
Naval Base Kitsap Emergency Information Natural Disasters Terrorism Evacuations Naval Base Kitsap (360) 315-4636
Naval Base Kitsap Emergency Information Naval Dental Center (360) 476-3218
Naval Base Kitsap Emergency Information PSNS IMF Bremerton (866) 291-1160
Naval Base Kitsap Emergency Information Puget Sound Naval Shipyard (360) 475-5700
Naval Base Kitsap Emergency Information Strategic Weapon Facility Pacific (800) 551-4958
Naval Base Kitsap Emergency InformationPSNS TMF Bangor (360) 315-4321
Naval Base Kitsap Emergency Management (360) 396-4226
Naval Base Kitsap Neighborhood Management Office (360) 598-5831
Naval Base Kitsap Neighborhood Management Office (360) 598-5831
Naval Base Kitsap Quarterdeck (360) 627-4024
Naval Base Kitsap Safety (360) 476-6287
Naval Computer & Telecommunications (NCTAMS PAC -Detachment Puget Sound (360) 396-6335
Naval Consolidated Brig Miramar Detachment Puget Sound (360) 315-4403
Naval Criminal Investigative Service (360) 476-3650
Naval Dental Center Northwest (360) 476-3218
Naval Dental Center NW (360) 476-2211
Naval Dental Clinic NW - Bremerton (360) 476-2211
Naval Dental Clinic NW - Bremerton (360) 476-2211
Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Northwest (360) 396-0043
Naval Hospital Bremerton (360) 475-4000
Naval Hospital Bremerton (360) 475-4000
Naval Hospital Bremerton (360) 475-4000
Naval Hospital Bremerton (360) 475-4000
Naval Hospital Bremerton (360) 475-4000
Naval Hospital Bremerton - EFMP Enrollment (360) 475-4215
Naval Hospital Bremerton - EFMP Enrollment (360) 475-4543
Naval Hospital Bremerton Command Master Chief (360) 475-4305
Naval Legal Service Office (NLSO) NW - Bremerton (360) 476-2156
Naval Legal Service Office (NLSO) NW - Bremerton (360) 476-2156
Naval Legal Service Office (NLSO) NW - Bremerton (360) 476-2156
Naval Legal Services Office NW (360) 476-2156
Naval Magazine Indian Island (360) 396-5227
Naval Operational Support Center Bangor (360) 627-2203
Naval Submarine Support Center (360) 396-4655
Naval Undersea Warfare Center Keyport (360) 396-2551
Navy College - Bangor (360) 315-2539
Navy College - Bremerton (360) 476-4282
Navy College - Bremerton (360) 476-4282
Navy College Outreach Office - Bangor (360) 315-2539
Navy Exchange (NEX) Main Store - Bremerton (360) 478-5570
Navy Exchange (NEX) Main Store - Bremerton (360) 478-5570
Navy Exchange (NEX) Main Store - Bremerton (360) 478-5570
Navy Exchange - Bangor (360) 697-8716
Navy Exchange - Bangor (360) 697-8716
Navy Exchange - Bangor (360) 315-4563
Navy Federal Credit Union Bremerton (888) 842-6328
Navy Gateway Inn & Suites - Bangor (360) 535-5800
Navy Gateway Inn & Suites - Bangor (360) 535-5800
Navy Gateway Inn & Suites - Bangor (360) 535-5800
Navy Gateway Inn & Suites - Central Billeting - Bremerton (360) 475-3035
Navy Gateway Inn & Suites - Central Billeting - Bremerton (360) 475-3035
Navy Legal Service Office (360) 396-6003
Navy Legal Service Office - Bangor (360) 396-6003
Navy Legal Service Office NW (360) 396-6003
Navy Marine Corps Relief Society - Bangor (360) 396-6704
Navy Marine Corps Relief Society - Bangor (360) 396-6704
Navy Region NW--Fleet and Family Readiness Programs (360) 396-4081
Navy Region NW--Fleet and Family Readiness Programs (360) 396-4081
Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society - Bremerton (360) 377-0602
Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society - Bremerton (360) 627-2187
NBK Emergency Base Condition Information (360) 315-1636
NBK Security Bremerton (360) 476-7399
NBKQuaterdeck (360) 627-4024
NCTAMS Det Puget Sound (360) 396-6335
Neurology (360) 475-4724
New Parent Support Program (360) 315-3075
New Parent Support Program Kitsap Bremerton (360) 476-7483
New Parent Support Team (360) 476-7445
NEX Bangor Car Care Center (360) 315-4662
NEX Barber Shop - Bremerton (360) 478-5513
NEX Barber Shop - Bremerton (360) 478-5513
NEX Beauty Salon - Bremerton (360) 478-5515
Northwest Regional Maintenance Center Puget Sound Naval Shipyard (360) 476-3711
Nuclear Medicine (360) 475-4433
Nutrition Department (360) 475-4690
OB Gyn Clinic (360) 475-4209
Occupational Health
Ombudsman Information Bangor (360) 396-4115
Ombudsman Information Bremerton (360) 476-1113
Ombudsman Information RetiredActives Assistance (360) 396-4115
Ombudsman Information SAPR SAVI (360) 315-3075
Ope Mona lForces Fleet Liaison (360) 475-4313
Operational Support Office (360) 475-5073
Ophthalmology Clinic (360) 475-4295
Optical Support Unit (360) 475-4289
Orthopedic Clinic (360) 475-4213
Overseas Screening (360) 475-4215
Pass and ID Bangor (360) 396-4665
Pass and ID Bremerton (360) 476-4882
Pass and ID Keyport (360) 396-2583
Pass and ID Office Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor (360) 396-4665
Pass and ID Office Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor (360) 396-4665
Pastoral Care (360) 475-4314
Patient Administration (360) 475-4392
Patient Contact Representative (360) 475-4336
Patient Education (360) 475-4690
Pediatric Clinic (360) 475-4216
Personal Property Customer Service (360) 476-9172
Personal Property Inbound (360) 476-9157
Personal Property Non Temporary Storage (360) 476-3471
Personal Property Office - Naval Base Kitsap (360) 476-7366
Personal Property Office - Naval Base Kitsap (360) 476-7366
Personal Property Office - Naval Base Kitsap (360) 476-7366
Personal Property Outbound (360) 476-7671
Personal Property Quality Control Inspector (360) 476-0071
Personnel Support Activity Detachment Bangor (360) 396-5660
Personnel Support Detachment (360) 396-5604
Personnel Support Detachment (360) 396-5660
Personnel Support Detachment (PSD) - Bremerton: (ID cards only) (360) 396-5660
Personnel Support Detachment -Naval Base Kitsap (360) 627-3306
Personnel Support Detachment Bremerton (ID cards) (360) 396-5660
PFSC Bangor (360) 396-4115
PFSC Fleet and femily Support Programs (360) 396-4115
PFSC Jackson Park Youth Center (360) 627-2041
PFSC Keyport (360) 315-3045
PFSC Military OneSource (800) 342-9647
PFSC TollFree (800) 562-3301
Pharmacy Refill Line (360) 475-4217
Photo Lab Bangor (360) 396-6890
Photo Lab Bangor Resource Center ITT (360) 535-5918
Photo Lab Bangor Theater (360) 535-5923
Photo Lab Bremerton (360) 476-2589
Photo Lab Liberty Center (360) 535-5977
Photo Lab MWRAdmin (360) 396-5466
Photo Lab Skookum (360) 475-0756
Photo Lab Transportation Dispatch Bangor (360) 396-4210
Photo Lab Transportation Dispatch Bremerton (360) 476-2296
Photo Lab Wave Cable (866) 928-3123
Photo Lab Y-Comm (360) 535-5966
Physical Evaluations Board (360) 475-4388
Physical Therapy Clinic (360) 475-4218
Port Hadlock Satellite (360) 396-5221
Postpartum Care Clinic (360) 475-4470
Preventive Medicine NBK Bangor (360) 315-4463
ProfessionalAffairs, (360) 475-4325
PRT Coordinator (360) 475-4798
PSNS Branch Clinic (360) 476-6872
Public Affairs Office - Puget Sound Naval Shipyard (360) 473-7111
Public Affairs Office Naval Base Kitsap (360) 476-0444
Public Affeirs Office (360) 475-4368
Puget Sound DB Trouble Desk (360) 396-4341
Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Commander (360) 476-3161
Puget Sound Navy Family Housing (360) 396-4399
Puget Sound Toll Free (800) 876-7022
Purchasing (360) 475-4307
Quarterdeck (360) 475-4232
Radiation Health (360) 475-4961
Radiology (360) 475-4220
Region Legal Service Office NW (360) 627-3400
Religious Education Program Naval Base Kitsap Chapel (360) 396-6005
Religious Education Program Naval Base Kitsap Chapel (360) 396-6005
Resources & Logistics Comptroller (360) 475-4353
Respiratory Therapy Clinic (360) 475-4256
Retired Activities Service (360) 396-4115
Safety Manager (360) 475-4805
Sam Adams (Restaurant & Brew House) - Bremerton (360) 476-6719
Sam Adams (Restaurant & Brew House) - Bremerton (360) 476-6719
School Age Care (Jackson Park) - Bremerton (360) 627-2041
School Age Care (Jackson Park) - Bremerton (360) 627-2041
School Age Care - Bangor (360) 535-5953
School Age Care - Bangor (360) 535-5953
School Age Care Bangor (360) 535-5953
School Age Care Bangor Lighthouse (360) 535-5953
School Age Care Jackson Park (360) 627-2041
School Age Care Jackson Park (360) 627-2041
School Age Care Program Administrator (360) 396-7007
School Liaison Officer (360) 396-5139
School Liaison Officer Kitsap Bremerton (360) 396-5139
Security Department (360) 475-4384
Social Work (360) 475-4483
Staff Education and Training (360) 475-4323
Strategic Weapons Fac.Pacific (360) 396-4525
Strategic Weapons Facility Pacific (360) 396-4525
Submarine Deployment Squadron (360) 315-4102
Submarine Development Squadron 5 (360) 315-4102
Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Program (360) 476-2594
Tobacco Cessation (360) 475-4853
Toll Free (888) 256-6100
Training SETD (360) 475-4323
Transient Personnel Unit (TPU) (360) 396-1893
Transient Personnel Unit (TPU) Detachment (CPO-In-Charge) (360) 396-1893
Transient Personnel Unit Puget Sound (360) 396-1893
TRICARE Regional Appointment Center (800) 404-4506
TRICARE Service Center (360) 373-9363
Trident Training Facility (360) 315-2000
Trident Training Facility (360) 315-2000
Urology Clinic (360) 475-4222
Warehouse (360) 475-4498
West Sound Veterinary Treatment Facility (360) 396-7900
West Sound Veterinary Treatment Facility Bangor (360) 396-7900
WIC (360) 692-6530
Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) Program Kitsap Bangor (360) 692-6530
Youth & Teen Centers Bangor Admiral Boorda (360) 535-5993